Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011
Tugas ke-3 Bahasa Inggris bisnis 2
1. In addition to the more traditional simple oven many .... either by circulating heated air around the food or by heating the moisture contained in the food with microwaves and a few do both.
A. functioning modern ovens
B. modern oven that function
C. modern ovens function
D. the function of modern ovens
Answer : C. modern ovens function
2. .... many communication companies are now able to offer radio and television broadcasts over the internet.
A. Advanced technology has enabled
B. Introducing advanced technology
C. Because the introduced of advanced technology
D. With the introduction of advanced technology
Answer : D. With the introduction of advanced technology
3. From the beginning of the twentieth century to the present, technology .... people are beginning to imagine there are no limits to what we can achieve.
A. progressed to the point that
B. has to progress to a point
C. has progressed to the point that
D. progressing to the point that
Answer : C. has progressed to the point that
4. A trap .... disguise is what has come to be called a Trojan Horse, from the ancient story of the gift of the wooden horse from the Greeks.
A. offered a gift of'
B. offers a gift in
C. offering a gift to
D. offered as a gift in
Answer : D. offered as a gift in
5. Telecommuting is a new form to work .... to work, such as fathers with children, the chance to work while remaining at home.
A. affording those previously unable
B. affords those who were previously unable
C. that affording those unable previously
D. afforded those previously unable
Answer : A. affording those previously unable
6. It is the lack of gravity on the moon that makes ..... leaps of 30 feet or more.
A. possible
B. it possible
C. to be possible
D. it to be possible
Answer : A. possible
7. It is believed that the modern bird .... the pterodactyls that existed million of years ago.
A. was envolved from
B. envolved from
C. envolved
D. was envolving from
Answer : B. envolved from
8. Although .... a successful film, none of her other works have to date been adapted to the film format.
A. The Joy Luck Club is best known novel by Amy Tan was made into
B. The Joy Luck Club was made into a film by Amy Tan best known
C. Amy Tans's best known novel, The Joy Luck Club, was made into
D. Amy Tans's best known novel, The Joy Luck Club, made
Answer : D. Amy Tans's best known novel, The Joy Luck Club, made
9. The advent of the personal computer and easy a access to information via the Internet has allowed many more enterpreneurs .... than ever before.
A. to open home based businesses
B. who open home based businesses
C. opening businesses home based
D. based at home their business
Answer : C. opening businesses home based
10. ...... "orca" means whale, the orca is actually a member of the dolphin family, the delphinids.
A. That
B. Why
C. While
D. It is
Answer : C. While
11. Many modern critics of American literature have called Mark Twain, born Samuel Clemens, ......
A. as America's greatest writer
B. was America's greatest writer
C. America's greatest writer
D. to have been America's greatest writer
Answer : C. America's greatest writer
12. ..... its area of defense, a fort should be built on an elevation and with some sort of natural feature of the landscape to obstruct direct access to the fort.
A. to better protect
B. protecting better
C. for the better of
D. it is better for
Answer : A. to better protect
13. An iron smelting forge .... ore into usable metals.
A. melts
B. is melting
C. melting
D. should melting
Answer : A. melts
14. The one in charge of a meeting .... toward the end of the meeting.
A. table general important topics
B. tables generally the important topics
C. generally the topics of the table
D. generally tables important topics
Answer : D. generally tables important topics
15. Sufficient gravitational force is .... atmosphere ; otherwise the atmosphere will drift off into space.
A. necessary for retaining planet
B. retaining necessary planet
C. retained by necessary planet
D. necessary to retain a planet's
The answer is D. necessary to retain a planet’s
16. Because(A) of the enermous pull gravitational(B) of the Moon, the shape of the Earth actually changes(C) as the largest oceans are "pulled" toward(D) the Moon.
Answer : B. gravitational, gravitation.
17. Only with the advent of refrigerator(A) were(B) most Americans able to begin(C) to consume fresh meat(D).
Answer : A. refrigerator, refrigerators.
18. The smaller(A) of all(B) nine planets(C) in the solar(D) system is Pluto.
Amswer : A. The smaller, The smallest.
19. The function of biologist(A) is both to describe organisms in minute detail(B) also(C) to understand why they behave as they(D) do.
Answer : C. also, ( and ) karena ada kata both.
20. According to all findings(A) to date(B),the known universe consists almost entirely of the hydrogen(D).
Answer : D. the hydrogen, tidak perlu pakai kata the.
21. Because(A) of their flexibility, reeds and straw are able(B) to endure harsh winds that other more(C) brittle materials like brick and concrete would not be able withstanding(D).
Answer : D. withstanding withstand.
22. Before hay can be processed and sold(A), it is typically(B) bundled into(C) boxlike bales so that it can be more easily transport(D).
Answer : D. transport, (transported) karena ada kata can be.
23. Most of the birds living(A) in desert regions inhabits(B) the fringes(C) of the desert(D).
Answer : B. inhabits, tidak perlu pakai ( 's' ) karena subjeknya jamak.
24. Areas(A) of rocks may shifts(B) up or down on each(C) side of a fault(D).
Answer : B. shifts, tidak perlu pakai ( 's' ) karena bukan subjek ke 3 tunggal.
25. From the 1850s until after the turn of the century, many(A) of America's super-rich families(B) made(C) Newport his(D) favourite summer resort.
Answer : D. his, their.
26. Of Jane Austeen's six great novels(A), the first four were(B) published anonymous(C) during(D)her lifetime.
Answer : B. were, was.
27. Clarence Birdseye is best know(A) for developing(B) a process(C) for freezing food in small(D) packages.
Answer : A. know, known.
28. It was(A) as a direct result(B) of the widespread implementation(C) electricity that the US had a source(D) of light other than gas lights.
Answer : C. implementation, implementing.
29. The Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. is home(A) to the largest collecting(B) of Native American artifacts in the United States, most of which(C) remain uncatalogued(D) and hidden from public view.
Answer : B. collecting collection.
30. In the modern era(A), face to face communication is becoming near(B) as uncommon(C) as hand-written(D) letters.
Answer : B. near nearer.
31. The leaves(A) of most(B) coniferous species(C) are slender and length(D).
Answer : D. length long.
32. Like(A) an aiplane, a(B) helicopter have(C) to control sticks instead(D) of one.
Answer : C. have, has.
33. Much(A) bright young stars lie(B) along(C) the spiral(D) arms of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Answer : A. much many.
34. Hippocrates believed(A) that health depended on(B) the balanced(C) of the four fluids(D) of the body : blood, phlegm, bile and black bile.
Answer : C. balanced balance.
35. Because mistletoe berries are poisonous(A), everyone with Christmas decorations containing(B) mistletoe need(C) to be aware of the potential danger(D).
Answer : C. need pakai ( 's' ) karena subjeknya tunggal maka kata kerjanya tunggal.
36. The earliest(A) known artworks were done(B) by cavemen which(C) used a mixture of clay, chalk(D) and burned wood and bones.
Answer : C. which (who) karena cavemen menerangkat subjek.
37. The Earth's crust is composed of fifteen plates which(A) float(B) on the partially(C) molten layer below they(D).
Answer : D. they them.
38. The Cabinet consist(A) of secretaries of departments, who(B) report to the president, give him andvice, and helping(C) him make(D) decisions.
Answer : C. helping help.
39. Operas can be broadly(A) classified(B) as either comedies or(C) they are tragedies(D).
Answer : D. they are tragedies tidak perlu pakai they are.
40. During the annually(A) salmon migration from the sea to fresh(B) water, Alaska's McNeil River becomes a gathering(C) place for brown bears waiting eagerly(D) to catch their fill.
Answer : A. annually annual.
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
ERK (efek rumah kaca)
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Efek rumah kaca, pertama kali ditemukan oleh Joseph Fourier pada 1824, merupakan sebuah proses di mana atmosfer memanaskan sebuah planet.
Mars, Venus, dan benda langit beratmosfer lainnya (seperti satelit alami Saturnus, Titan) memiliki efek rumah kaca, tapi artikel ini hanya membahas pengaruh di Bumi.
Efek rumah kaca dapat digunakan untuk menunjuk dua hal berbeda: efek rumah kaca alami yang terjadi secara alami di bumi, dan efek rumah kaca ditingkatkan yang terjadi akibat aktivitas manusia (lihat juga pemanasan global). Yang belakang diterima oleh semua; yang pertama diterima kebanyakan oleh ilmuwan, meskipun ada beberapa perbedaan pendapat.
Efek rumah kaca disebabkan karena naiknya konsentrasi gas karbondioksida (CO2) dan gas-gas lainnya di atmosfer. Kenaikan konsentrasi gas CO2 ini disebabkan oleh kenaikan pembakaran bahan bakar minyak (BBM), batu bara dan bahan bakar organik lainnya yang melampaui kemampuan tumbuhan-tumbuhan dan laut untuk mengabsorbsinya.
Energi yang masuk ke bumi mengalami : 25% dipantulkan oleh awan atau partikel lain di atmosfer 25% diserap awan 45% diadsorpsi permukaan bumi 5% dipantulkan kembali oleh permukaan bumi
Energi yang diadsoprsi dipantulkan kembali dalam bentuk radiasi infra merah oleh awan dan permukaan bumi. Namun sebagian besar infra merah yang dipancarkan bumi tertahan oleh awan dan gas CO2 dan gas lainnya, untuk dikembalikan ke permukaan bumi. Dalam keadaan normal, efek rumah kaca diperlukan, dengan adanya efek rumah kaca perbedaan suhu antara siang dan malam di bumi tidak terlalu jauh berbeda.
Selain gas CO2, yang dapat menimbulkan efek rumah kaca adalah sulfur dioksida (SO2), nitrogen monoksida (NO) dan nitrogen dioksida (NO2) serta beberapa senyawa organik seperti gas metana (CH4) dan khloro fluoro karbon (CFC). Gas-gas tersebut memegang peranan penting dalam meningkatkan efek rumah kaca.
Gas Kontribusi Sumber emisi global %
CO2 45-50% Batu bara 29
Minyak Bumi 29
Gas alam 11
Penggundulan hutan 20
lainnya 10
CH4 10-20%
Sumber : Kantor Menteri Negara KLH, 1990
Dampak pemanasan global
Menurut perkiraan, efek rumah kaca telah meningkatkan suhu bumi rata-rata 1-5°C. Bila kecenderungan peningkatan gas rumah kaca tetap seperti sekarang akan menyebabkan peningkatan pemanasan global antara 1,5-4,5°C sekitar tahun 2030. Dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi gas CO2 di atmosfer, maka akan semakin banyak gelombang panas yang dipantulkan dari permukaan bumi diserap atmosfer. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan suhu permukaan bumi menjadi meningkat. Mekanisme terjadinya efek rumah kaca adalah sebagai berikut (gambar 1). Bumi secara konstan menerima energi, kebanyakan dari sinar matahari tetapi sebagian juga diperoleh dari bumi itu sendiri, yakni melalui energi yang dibebaskan dari proses radioaktif (Holum, 1998:237). Sinar tampak dan sinar ultraviolet yang dipancarkan dari matahari. Radiasi sinar tersebut sebagian dipantulkan oleh atmosfer dan sebagian sampai di permukaan bumi. Di permukaan bumi sebagian radiasi sinar tersebut ada yang dipantulkan dan ada yang diserap oleh permukaan bumi dan menghangatkannya.
Meningkatnya suhu permukaan bumi akan mengakibatkan adanya perubahan iklim yang sangat ekstrim di bumi. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan terganggunya hutan dan ekosistem lainnya, sehingga mengurangi kemampuannya untuk menyerap karbon dioksida di atmosfer. Pemanasan global mengakibatkan mencairnya gunung-gunung es di daerah kutub yang dapat menimbulkan naiknya permukaan air laut. Efek rumah kaca juga akan mengakibatkan meningkatnya suhu air laut sehingga air laut mengembang dan terjadi kenaikan permukaan laut yang mengakibatkan negara kepulauan akan mendapatkan pengaruh yang sangat besar.
Jumat, 22 April 2011
Exercise 2
1. ‘Tell me why you’re interested in learning this subject ?’
‘Economics … to explain the phenomena in Business World.’
C.are trying
D.have tried
The answer is B. tries (pluralization)
2. ‘What’s on the news today ?’
‘The policeman … caught the criminal.’
A. have
B. has
C. had
D. having
E. is having
The answer is B. has (perfect)
3. ‘after traveling across the country, I think Toronto … the busiest city in Canada.’
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. are
E. be
The answer is C. is (tobe)
4. ‘You should sleep early tonight because we start our journey tomorrow and five hundred miles … a long distance to drive in one day.’ be
B.are being is
The answer is D. are (tobe)
5. ‘After the incident at the border yesterday, the army has reinforced … strength this morning.’
The answer is D. their (possessive adjective)
6. ‘Children, tell me the functions of these tools !’
‘Scissors … to cut thin materials.’
A.used used
C.are used
The answer is C. are used (tobe + verb 2)
7. ‘’According to the recipe, I need seven … to make this chicken pie.’
The answer is C. potatoes (pluralization)
8. ‘There are a lot of disasters in Indonesia these days.’
‘Yes. And now, the earthquake and tsunami phenomena always … a lot of
D.fascinating fascinated
The answer is A. fascinate (verb 1)
9. Which of these sentences is correct ?
A.Car made loud noise
B.Car made a loud noise
C.A car made the loud noise
D.The car made a loud noise
E.The car made the loud noise
The answer is D. The car made a loud noise (statement)
10. Jim : Can I use that car ?
Mark : No. It’s … car. mother – in – law mother’s – in –law mother – in – law’s mothers – in – law mother – in – laws
The answer is C. my mother – in – law’s (demonstratives pronoun)
11. ‘The old man’s house is old.’
‘Yes. One of … windows is broken.’
The answer is D. its (possessive adjective)
12. ‘Where we will sleep tonight ?’
‘Ann is going to share her room with …, isn’t she ?’ and me and I
C.I and you and you
The answer is A. you and me (personal pronoun – object)
13. ‘What’s said in the memo ?’
‘You and … are expected to be present at the student representative meeting.’
The answer is A. I (personal pronoun – subject)
14. ‘The students must be made to understand how each lesson can be value to …’
‘I absolutely agree with you.’
The answer is C. them (personal pronoun – object)
15. ‘How does Jarohi play guitar ?’
‘As well as … do.’
The answer is A. I (personal pronoun – subject)
16. ‘Anything happens to you, don’t forget that … mother and father love you.’
The answer is B. your (possessive adjective)
17. ‘Vito and I have a lot in common”
‘Yes, your ideas, … somewhat unusual to me.’ he, are him, is his, is himself, are his, are
The answer is B. like him, is (personal pronoun – object and tobe)
18. ‘’Is this your book ?’
‘This doesn’t look like … book, it must be … ‘ / yours
B.mine / your
C.your / mine
D.yours / my
E.mine / yours
The answer is A. my / yours (possessive adjective and possessive pronoun)
19. ‘What’s the decision ?’
‘I don’t know yet. The committee are still arguing among … ‘
The answer is E. themselves (reflexive)
20. Mother : What are you doing ?
Children : Chatting
Mother : What ! You waste your time. You get … from that.
D.nothing one
The answer is D. nothing (indefinite pronoun – negatif)
21. ‘Does … know where my glasses ?’
‘ You’re wearing them. Why you’re always so forgetful ?’
The answer is E. anybody (indefinite pronoun – interogatif)
22. ‘… of the bread has been taken from its box.’
‘No one likes it.’
The answer is A. some (indefinite pronoun – positif)
23. ‘Who wants to go with me to the orchestra ?’
‘… of us want to go to the orchestra.’
The answer is D. all (pluralization)
24. A : Look at the picture on the wall !
B : … is a beautiful picture.
The answer is D. that (demonstrative pronoun)
25. ‘Who is the main talking to you last night ?’
‘The man … I talked to last night was my brother.’
A. whom
B. which
C. when
D. to when
E. where
The answer is A. whom (relative pronoun)
1. “… his own assignments, Sony offered to help friends.”
A. when finished
B. he finishes
C. having finished
D. finished
E. after finished
The answer is C. having finished (perfect)
2. “… the money, Tarwan left for his home town.”
A.having received
B.had received
C.after he receives
D.being received
E.he had received
The answer is A. having received (perfect)
3. “We always avoid … to the mall on Sunday because it’s too crowded.”
A.go go gone
D.going going
The answer is D. going (gerund)
4. “What was he interested in ?”
“… paleontology.”
B.learning learn
The answer is B. learning (gerund)
5. “These floors always look dirty in spite of … everyday.”
B.being sweeping
D.being swept sweep
The answer is D. being swept (passive present continous)
6. Bob : “I’m going out tonight.”
John : “Would you mind … the key to the house ?” leave
B.leave leaving
The answer is E. leaving (gerund)
7. “Doel Fajri completely denied … the money.”
B.stealing steal
The answer is B. stealing (gerund)
8. “What’s your hobby ?”
“… stamps.”
A.collect collect
The answer is C. collecting (gerund)
9. “Can Rosa accept her parent’s divorce ?”
“No. She isn’t mature enough ...”.
A.understand understand
C.understanding understanding
The answer is B. to understand (to + infinitive)
10. “I wonder where Dadang is.”
“Don’t you know the committee forced him …?”
B.resign resign
D.resigned resigning
The answer is C. to resign (to + infinitive)
11. “The poor woman can’t afford … a dress.”
C.buying buy
The answer is A. buy (verb 1)
12. “I smell something … in the kitchen.”
C.has burnt
D.burning burn
The answer is D. burning (gerund)
13. “I had to ask the soldier …”
A.stop firing stop firing stop to fire
D.stopping to fire
E.stop to fire
The answer is B. to stop firing (to + infinitive)
14. “What did the tacher tell us ?”
“He told us … noisy.”
A.don’t be
B.not being
C.didn’t be
D.not to be
E.don’t being
The answer is D. not to be (indirect)
15. “Do you object to … on the table.”
“Yes. You sit on the cake.”
A.I sit sitting sit
D.I sitting sit
The answer is B. my sitting (gerund)
16. Rudy : “What are you looking forward ?”
Toni : “… my old friends.”
A. to seeing
B. see
C. seeing
D. to see
E. seen
The answer is to seeing (to + gerund)
17. “When you go camping, don’t forget to bring … bags.”
A. sleep
B. sleeping
C. to sleep
D. slept
E. sleepy
The answer is B. sleeping (gerund)
18. “The siling boy clapped his hands.”
It means :
A. They boy is smiling and clapping his hands.
B. The boy clapped his hands and smiled.
C. Clapping his hands, the boy is smiling.
D. The boy with a smile on his face clapped his hands.
E. The clapping boy is smiling.
The answer is D. The boy with a smile on his face clapped his hands. (passive)
19. “I am bored the show is very …”
A. bore
B. to bore
C. bored
D. to be bored
E. boring
The answer is E. boring (gerund)
20. “We thought of … across France. We’re rather tired of … by train.”
A. driving / go
B. to drive / to go
C. to drive / going
D. driving / going
E. driving / to go
The answer is D. driving / going (gerund)
21. “When at last I succeeded in … him that I wanted home quickly, he put his foot on the accelerator and felt the car … forward.”
A. convincing / to get / to leap
B. to convince / to get / leaping
C. to convince / getting / to leap
D. convincing / getting / leaping
E. convincing / to get / leaping
The answer is D. convincing / getting / leaping (gerund)
22. X : “Bob smoked when he was in College. Does he now ?’
Y : “Yes”
A. Bob smoked but now he quits somoking.
B. Bob used to smoking.
C. Bob used to smoke.
D. Bob’ used to smoking.
E. Bob doesn’t smoke anymore.
The answer is B. Bob used to smoking. (gerund)
23. “I always … the sun … every morning.”
A. watch / to be rising
B. watch / to rise
C. watching / rises
D. watch / rising
E. watching / rising
The answer is C. watching / rises (gerund and pluralization)
24. “I don’t know where … in this holiday.”
A. go
B. to go
C. going
D. went
E. gone
The answer is B. to go (to + infinitive)
25. “The car is always hard to start.”
“I think it needs …”
A. repair
B. to repair
C. repaired
D. repairing
E. to be repaired
The answer is E. to be repaired (passive infinitive)
Jumat, 25 Maret 2011
Exercise 1
Subject, Verb, Complement, and Modifier
1. George is cooking dinner tonight.
Subject + verb phrase + complement + modifier of time
2. Henry and Marcia have visited the president.
Subject + verb phrase + complement
3. We can eat lunch in this restaurant today.
Subject + modal verb + complement + modifier of place + modifier of time
4. Pat should have bought gasoline yesterday.
Subject + verb phrase + complement + modifier of time
5. Trees grow.
Subject + verb
6. It was raining at seven o’clock this morning.
Subject + verb phrase + modifier of time
7. She opened a checking account at the bank last week.
Subject + verb + complement + modifier of place + modifier of time
8. Harry is washing dishes right now.
Subject + verb phrase + complement + modifier of time
9. She opened her book.
Subject + verb + complement
10. Paul, William, and Marry were watching television a few minutes ago.
Subject + verb phrase + complement + modifier of time
Selasa, 04 Januari 2011
Dalam menciptakan etika bisnis, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, antara lain ialah :
1. Pengendalian diri
Artinya, pelaku-pelaku bisnis dan pihak yang terkait mampu mengendalikan diri mereka masing-masing untuk tidak memperoleh apapun dari siapapun dan dalam bentuk apapun. Disamping itu, pelaku bisnis sendiri tidak mendapatkan keuntungan dengan jalan main curang dan menekan pihak lain dan menggunakan keuntungan dengan jalan main curang dan menakan pihak lain dan menggunakan keuntungan tersebut walaupun keuntungan itu merupakan hak bagi pelaku bisnis, tetapi penggunaannya juga harus memperhatikan kondisi masyarakat sekitarnya. Inilah etika bisnis yang "etis".
2. Pengembangan tanggung jawab sosial (social responsibility)
Pelaku bisnis disini dituntut untuk peduli dengan keadaan masyarakat, bukan hanya dalam bentuk "uang" dengan jalan memberikan sumbangan, melainkan lebih kompleks lagi. Artinya sebagai contoh kesempatan yang dimiliki oleh pelaku bisnis untuk menjual pada tingkat harga yang tinggi sewaktu terjadinya excess demand harus menjadi perhatian dan kepedulian bagi pelaku bisnis dengan tidak memanfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk meraup keuntungan yang berlipat ganda. Jadi, dalam keadaan excess demand pelaku bisnis harus mampu mengembangkan dan memanifestasikan sikap tanggung jawab terhadap masyarakat sekitarnya.
3. Mempertahankan jati diri dan tidak mudah untuk terombang-ambing oleh pesatnya perkembangan informasi dan teknologi
Bukan berarti etika bisnis anti perkembangan informasi dan teknologi, tetapi informasi dan teknologi itu harus dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan kepedulian bagi golongan yang lemah dan tidak kehilangan budaya yang dimiliki akibat adanya tranformasi informasi dan teknologi.
4. Menciptakan persaingan yang sehat
Persaingan dalam dunia bisnis perlu untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas, tetapi persaingan tersebut tidak mematikan yang lemah, dan sebaliknya, harus terdapat jalinan yang erat antara pelaku bisnis besar dan golongan menengah kebawah, sehingga dengan perkembangannya perusahaan besar mampu memberikan spread effect terhadap perkembangan sekitarnya. Untuk itu dalam menciptakan persaingan perlu ada kekuatan-kekuatan yang seimbang dalam dunia bisnis tersebut.
5. Menerapkan konsep “pembangunan berkelanjutan"
Dunia bisnis seharusnya tidak memikirkan keuntungan hanya pada saat sekarang, tetapi perlu memikirkan bagaimana dengan keadaan dimasa mendatang. Berdasarkan ini jelas pelaku bisnis dituntut tidak meng-"ekspoitasi" lingkungan dan keadaan saat sekarang semaksimal mungkin tanpa mempertimbangkan lingkungan dan keadaan dimasa datang walaupun saat sekarang merupakan kesempatan untuk memperoleh keuntungan besar.
6. Menghindari sifat 5K (Katabelece, Kongkalikong, Koneksi, Kolusi dan Komisi)
Jika pelaku bisnis sudah mampu menghindari sikap seperti ini, kita yakin tidak akan terjadi lagi apa yang dinamakan dengan korupsi, manipulasi dan segala bentuk permainan curang dalam dunia bisnis ataupun berbagai kasus yang mencemarkan nama bangsa dan negara.
7. Mampu menyatakan yang benar itu benar
Artinya, kalau pelaku bisnis itu memang tidak wajar untuk menerima kredit (sebagai contoh) karena persyaratan tidak bisa dipenuhi, jangan menggunakan "katabelece" dari "koneksi" serta melakukan "kongkalikong" dengan data yang salah. Juga jangan memaksa diri untuk mengadakan “kolusi" serta memberikan "komisi" kepada pihak yang terkait.
8. Menumbuhkan sikap saling percaya antara golongan pengusaha kuat dan golongan pengusaha kebawah
Untuk menciptakan kondisi bisnis yang "kondusif" harus ada saling percaya (trust) antara golongan pengusaha kuat dengan golongan pengusaha lemah agar pengusaha lemah mampu berkembang bersama dengan pengusaha lainnya yang sudah besar dan mapan. Yang selama ini kepercayaan itu hanya ada antara pihak golongan kuat, saat sekarang sudah waktunya memberikan kesempatan kepada pihak menengah untuk berkembang dan berkiprah dalam dunia bisnis.
9. Konsekuen dan konsisten dengan aturan main yang telah disepakati bersama
Semua konsep etika bisnis yang telah ditentukan tidak akan dapat terlaksana apabila setiap orang tidak mau konsekuen dan konsisten dengan etika tersebut. Mengapa? Seandainya semua ketika bisnis telah disepakati, sementara ada "oknum", baik pengusaha sendiri maupun pihak yang lain mencoba untuk melakukan "kecurangan" demi kepentingan pribadi, jelas semua konsep etika bisnis itu akan "gugur" satu semi satu.
10. Menumbuhkembangkan kesadaran dan rasa memiliki terhadap apa yang telah disepakati
Jika etika ini telah memiliki oleh semua pihak, jelas semua memberikan suatu ketentraman dan kenyamanan dalam berbisnis.